January 17, 2024
Please see the latest news from Superintendent Jack Henderson here!

November 16, 2023
On November 8th, the staff, students and community of Dufur celebrated our United States Veterans with an assembly. Dufur High School ASB Officers and National Honor Society memb...
November 1, 2023
Here is a letter from Superintendent Henderson with summary of the first 9 weeks of school.
October 19, 2023
Parent-Teacher conferences will take place on Wednesday, November 1st from 2 - 8 pm , Thursday, November 2nd from 8 am - 5 pm , and Friday, November 3rd from 8 am - Noon...

September 28, 2023
The annual Title 1 Parent Meeting will be held on October 25th. Please join Mrs. Beeson in the cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. Items on the agenda include: What is Title 1 and the WIN Ro...
August 23, 2023
The start of the school year is coming quickly. Here is a letter from Mr. Henderson to the community with Dufur School updates for the upcoming year.

August 16, 2023
The annual Jerri Walker DePriest Dinner and Auction will be held on Sep. 16th, 2023. The Jerri Walker DePriest Endowment Fund Committe raises money for post secondary scholarship...

August 2, 2023
We want to send a shout out to Sarah Anderson! She is a teacher at Dufur School and has taught mid-level and high school students here. Sarah's second job is that of a professio...

August 2, 2023
Two newly elected members of the Dufur School District Board of Directors were sworn in at the Board Meeting on Monday, August 31st. All board members are greatly appreciated for...
August 2, 2023
July 31, 2023
The Dufur School District Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing befo...
July 13, 2023
The 2023-24 student registration for Dufur School is now open online. Sign into your ParentVue account and get your students registered by August 12th. Here is more information ...
June 27, 2023
Dufur School District #29 is conducting a selection procedure for an engineering/architectural firm to design and oversee the seismic retrofit of Dufur K-12 School. The District p...

May 31, 2023
As the 2022-23 school year comes to an end, here is a message to the community from Superintendent Henderson.

May 17, 2023
Mrs. Beeson is sharing these tips for parents to help make summer reading fun!
May 15, 2023
Mrs. Tierney has some great summer library activities planned! Check out the Summer Reading 2023 and the Teen Take Over .

April 19, 2023
The Dufur School District Board of Director adopted a school calendar for the 2023-24 school year at their regular meeting in March. To get a copy click here!

April 14, 2023
18TH ANNUAL DUFUR RANGER WALK-A-THON! The Ranger Pride Education Foundation Presents the 18th Annual Ranger Walk-a-thon on Friday, April 21st, at 1 pm on Henderson Field. Make you...